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A few months ago I decided I would set myself the discipline of writing a Haiku a day as a way of gleaning ideas from the outside world and of creating material for my tweets. Here are a few of my efforts...
Writers should step out
to awaken the senses
then go home, sated.
Magnolia buds
scorched by the March sun
lie on April snow.
With your angel dress
I track you across cinder,
let your hands speak.
Like a skein of geese
your hands skim the polished floor,
hands searching outwards.
A good gardener has
to be ruthless, to allow
her garden to thrive.
We cannot see the
wind, only the effect it
has on other things.
The moon chases me
out into the night to walk
with my face lifted.
Snow will tell its own
story, laying down a blank
sheet for footprints.
Look out for haiku
in my daily twitter feeds.
A song for birds.
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